Erica Obey

Hudson Valley Hipster Watch: Destination Hamburgers of the Hudson Valley

Yeah, really. That’s what it says. Destination Hamburgers of the Hudson Valley. Because who among us doesn’t crave peanut butter on their pork belly burger?r The fictional town of Morgansburg, where The Brooklyn North Murder is set, is on the other side of the Hudson from where I live in Woodstock, but neither shore has […]

Hudson Valley Hipster Watch: Destination Hamburgers of the Hudson Valley


“A curious belief [in Cheshire] about cowslips was that if they were planted upside down, they would come up red.” Christina Hole, Traditions and Customs of Cheshire Christina Hole is not really a gardener, but rather a folklorist interested in domestic folklore, including gardening. Editor of the distinguished journal Folklore, she was described as “rather


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