In addition to The Brooklyn North Murder, Erica Obey is the author of five mysteries set in the Hudson Valley, including the award-winning The Curse of the Braddock Brides. Erica is the past president of the New York Chapter of Mystery Writers of America, as well as a frequent reviewer and contest judge. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and published academic work on female folklorists before she decided she’d rather be writing the stories herself. She lives with her husband and a rotating assortment of cats in a historic arts colony in Woodstock, N.Y., where she researches the history of the colony’s collections when she’s not hiking or gardening.
Dead Man’s Switch
The Brooklyn North Murder
Can you Solve “The Riddle of the Empty Armory”?
The Shocking Assault on Sophronsia Morgan’s Cranberry Aspic
Gavin Fellowes, a damaged WWI veteran turned cynical psychic investigator, arrives in Ker-Ys, a Utopian art colony in Woodstock, NY, to investigate a series of purported fairy kidnappings of Communist garment workers who have taken over the failed Overlook Mountain House above the village.
The Horseman’s Word
It is July of 1865, and in Saratoga Springs, the wealthy racegoers wish, in the words of General Daniel Sickles, who left a leg at Gettysburg, “to let bygones be bygones” and put the war behind them. Yet, Rose Adair is hard pressed to forget Tamerlane Fallon, the Englishman she last saw being led off to be hanged as a Confederate spy. When he is pulled from Congress Spring, after apparently having killed a man over a mysterious, smuggled artifact, Rose is forced to sort through conflicting tales of Fenian rebels and the occult Society of the Horseman’s Word, in order to discover the truth about a very real and very dangerous conspiracy that threatens not just the racing season, but the entire future of the country.
The Curse of the Braddock Brides
A body lying in Papa’s study was perhaps not the best way to fulfill Mama’s dream of moving in the first circles of New York Society – especially not when that body belonged to Lord Hardcastle, the only earl desperate enough to seek the hand of the daughter of the richest quarryman in the Hudson Valley. Even without the complication of a cocky orchid hunter who may well have killed her suitor, it was enough to make Libba Wadsworth believe in The Curse of the Braddock Brides.
The Lazarus Vector
No-one dies in this mystery novel. Instead, medievalist Clare Malley is asked to discover why a teenager did not die in a drug-related shoot-out in an inner-city church. Is it a miracle performed by a mysterious turn-of-the-century priest named Father Enoch? Or is there a more sinister, but completely material, explanation?
Back to the Garden
When she heads to Woodstock to ghost-write a memoir for Bliss Falco, a name-dropping psychic who claims to have slept with everyone from Casanova to Hubert Humphrey in her past lives, failed romance writer Laura Converse never expects to be mistaken for a long-vanished singer. But she quickly finds herself trying to convince everyone in this New Age Mecca that she has not been sent by supernatural forces in order to solve a twenty-five-year-old murder. Making matters worse, the story immediately proves irresistible to her ex-husband, Rimes, a tabloid reporter – especially if Laura will grant him an exclusive. But tabloid fantasy turns quickly to Woodstock reality when a sleepwalking record producer discovers the singer’s remains and turns to Bliss to help him recover his memories about the long ago night the singer vanished. When murder – perhaps by supernatural means – results, Laura is forced to join forces with her ex-husband to investigate – a task considerably complicated by a distractingly attractive gardener, who just might be a warlock… or a murderer… or the love of Laura’s life.
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